Once, Peter said: “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence”

Peter‬ ‭3:15

The Birth of Calvary Chapel Emporia


In 2007, I was encouraged by my Pastor to pray about beginning a bible study in my home, I was hesitant at first due to the fear of misleading anyone. Then, one morning at church, a lady asked me a question. She asked could a person lose their salvation. At that moment I knew this could only be answered through Scripture, I asked her if she could come over to my home. The following Tuesday evening she came and brought her brother along with a few others, this was the beginning of a home Bible Study. Our first study was in the book of 1 John. At the end of our study of 1 John, I asked the lady who had previously asked me what the answer was, and her reply was exactly what the Scriptures had revealed to us. The Bible has the answers.

We had been meeting on Tuesday evenings for several months when we came to the conclusion of 1 John. The study had grown from just a handful to a house full. Someone asked what we were going to study next. This was the big question. I responded with come next week and we shall see. The home bible study was being established.

We came together for a time of study, prayer, and fellowship. I can remember on several occasions looking around the room and seeing people from many different churches and three different Pastors all on the same night.

The home Bible study continued for over four years in our home. It was through this and many other circumstances that the Lord used to call me to the ministry. The Holy Spirit prompted me to seek a place in Lawrenceville, Va. To begin a Bible study there. Through ways the Lord could only provide, a building was obtained and work began to launch a study there. Little did I know that the Lord had other plans for this.

I was asked by a Pastor of a Baptist church if I would come and preach on a Sunday morning, I remember how I was silent, not feeling worthy for this opportunity. Then before I could reply the Pastor added something to it, he said to preach a four-week series that would be consecutive Sundays. The only thing I could say was no, not four weeks, make it three. So I was standing in front of a congregation on Sunday morning proclaiming God’s Word to the church, It was through this time I knew the move of the bible study to Lawrenceville was more than I knew. God was planting a church, and I was to be the Pastor.

The Lord gave me the name W.E.L.L for the new church. 

W= Worshiping

E= Evangelism

L- Learning

L- Loving one another

The work the Lord began was fruitful, and His Blessings were abundant.

The Lord had placed on my heart from the very beginning a Calvary Chapel in our area. I had made contact with Calvary Chapel and had begun the process which was a very lengthy affiliation with them.

I was led there due to their doctrine positions, and the teaching of verse by verse through the bible. The Lord used this ministry in a mighty way in growing me in His Word.

After a year and a half, the Lord lead us back to Emporia again in only ways the Lord could do and this was the birth of Calvary Chapel Emporia.

Calvary Chapel Emporia proved to be very fruitful in growing people in His Word and shaping all to be more like Christ.

One afternoon, I received a call from a church that wanted to consider offering to our ministry a building and land that had been previously known as Cross Roads Community Church. After much prayer and many meetings, we knew that The Lord was calling us to Branchville, Va. This was the birth of Calvary Chapel, Branchville.

I welcome you to Calvary Chapel Emporia, and I am so glad you are here. Our emphasis is to worship God and to study His Word with contemporary worship songs and verse-by-verse teaching of the Bible.

It is my desire that through the above story, you would acknowledge one thing. . .that the Lord is looking for availability and not ability.

Surrender your will to His will and He will be Magnified, Glorified, and Worshiped.

Pastor Greg O’Berry